25 Years.
1 Mission.
Countless Lives Transformed.
Donate $25 Monthly

A Big Anniversary With Big Goals.

Help Us Achieve Them!

Gala Attendees

In Gala Donations

Let’s Make It The Biggest Year Yet.

It’s Time to Get Involved!


Great work always begins with our connection to Christ. We spend daily time in prayer for our students and our ministry, and our Prayer Ninjas echo our voices. Commit to praying for the FG mission in 2025!

Commit to Prayer


Help us celebrate 25 years of God’s amazing work by committing to give $25 a month. Already giving to First Glance? Increase your giving this year by $2.50, $25 or $250!

Donate Monthly


We’re looking for record turnouts in students, volunteers, gala attendees – you name it! Help us achieve our goals by being volunteering your time and sharing opportunities with your friends and family.


Stay Tuned for Big 2025 Anniversary Announcements.
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