Hip Hop Night

Thursdays 5:00-7:00pm
A gathering of hip hop artists of all ages: beat makers, lyric writers, singers, rappers, and musicians who record original music, have cyphers (freestyle hip hop sessions), and put on regular performances.
VolunteerRegister Your Student

In partnership with Akron Dream Center, we are a gathering of hip hop artists of all ages: beat makers, lyric writers, singers, rappers, and musicians who record original music, have cyphers (freestyle hip hop sessions), and put on regular performances.

Hip Hop Freestyle Session With Launch Kenmore (Elementary Age Only):

Thursdays from 3-5pm during Launch Kenmore at First Glance.

Studio Lab Program:

Every Friday from 4:30pm to 6:30pm. Youth ages 12-18 can come learn the skills of music production, writing, recording and mixing. They will get the chance to hang out and practice their skills in a real recording studio. Email info@akrondreamcenter.org for more details.